Something new and beautiful is coming to Highland City: welcome to Chapel Campus.
Be a part of what God is doing. It will be so much better with you there.
Shepherd’s Community UMC exists to help people connect to the love, light,and hope of Jesus Christ.
We believe that discipleship flourishes in community, and our vision is to grow a congregation that is not just present but engaged—where people are transformed by Christ and called to serve.
What do I need to know?
When do we worship?
On the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month we gather at 9 am for coffee, worship, and communion. We would love to see you there!
Where do we worship?
We get to worship in our beautiful chapel that is 128 years old in the former Highlands United Methodist Church in Highland City.
What should I expect?
Our worship style is modern and our dress is casual. Dress up if you want to, but you don’t need to. We brew Concord Coffee every Sunday so we promise you’ll actually like it. You don’t need to know anything about faith, just show up and you’ll experience a radical welcome.
Do you have kids ministry?
Yes! Every time we worship together we have great kids ministry with wonderful and trained volunteer and staff leadership. Your kid will feel safe, welcomed, and will have a ton of fun.
Am I welcomed?
A lot of churches say that they welcome everyone. We actually mean it. All are welcome.
How do I get there?
Our address is 3825 Clubhouse Road, Lakeland, FL 33812. There’s a map below here!